Available Courses

Yejin has previously made workshop recordings available as courses through the platform Thinkific. However, she is no longer using that platform! If you would like to purchase access to any of the workshop recordings (described below), please reach email her at Yejin@JeongLLC.com with “Workshop Recording Purchase” in the subject title. These courses will eventually be available for purchase on this website - please bear with this process until then!



Anti-oppression facilitators Shannon Cumberbatch and Yejin Lee co-created and co-facilitated a series of anti-oppression workshops for organizations who want concrete and tangible approaches to operationalizing equity within the workplace.

Challenging Convention in Recruiting & Hiring: Gatekeeping to Support Instead of Exclude Marginalized Peoples

A webinar to help participants transform recruiting & hiring processes so that they support rather than exclude marginalized peoples.

Challenging Conventions in Supervision: Support, Not Surveillance

A webinar to support participants in uprooting inequitable conventions in supervision and transform relationships to “supervisees” from that of an “overseer” to that of an advocate, mentor, accountability partner and reliable source of support.

Challenging Conventions for Racially and Ethnically Marginalized Leadership: Challenging Our Complicity to Promote Equity

An interactive workshop for Racially and Ethnically Marginalized (REM) leaders to interrogate to what extent our conformity - once a tool of survival - has become complicity, undermining our collective survival, and develop concrete tools to divest from complicity and invest in our collective liberation.

Challenging Convention to Cultivate an Anti-Oppressive Org Culture

A webinar to identify, disrupt, and transform some conventional oppressive practices that shape organizational culture.

Challenging Conventions in Leadership & Influence: Taking (Institutional) Responsibility for Transformation

A webinar to guide institutional leaders through some of the deeply personal and internal work necessary for meaningful and sustainable institutional anti-oppression transformation.

Challenging Convention to Promote Equity in the Workplace

On 1/25/2022, anti-oppression practitioners Shannon Cumberbatch & Yejin Lee facilitated a dialogue about conventional practices in professional environments that often undermine equity and create oppressive workplaces.

Have an idea for a course?

Is there a course you think Yejin would be well-suited to create? Do you want to collaborate on one? If so, please submit your idea through the contact page!

DEI Despair: Reflections on Things That Go Wrong

The recording of a 2-hour webinar to learn about the ways in which institutions and leaders knowingly and unknowingly cause harm as they conduct DEI work.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Strategic Considerations Before Quitting

A recorded webinar from equity & justice practitioner Yejin Lee on how to surface enough external and internal information in order to access as much autonomy and agency as possible when considering the quitting of a job.